I would like to post this notice to the drivers of the Northwest, Please read as there are some rules I would like followed.
1) If you are driving in the fast lane usually this consists of the left lane and you see a car come up on you, PLEASE get over! DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT slow down and piddle your way, YOU are holding up traffic!
2) If you are going to drive in the left lane aka fast lane, PLEASE OH PLEASE go the speed limit, yes this consists of going at least the speed limit if not a few miles over. There is a reason why there are signs that say SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT. Please people obey this rule; you are annoying those of us, who are trying to get somewhere. DO NOT GO 50 in a 60 speed zone, and if you chose to go slow, PLEASE move to the RIGHT, yes that would be the passenger side of your car in case you didn’t know.
3) There is ABSOLUTLEY NO REASON why you should slow down if someone is getting pulled over. Come on people, when someone gets pulled over it usually consists of the police officer getting out of his car, walking up to the offender and getting his license and registration, going back to his car, running the information and either he will give a ticket or not. I guess it would depend on how hot the girl/guy is (depending on the sex of the officer) or if the offender is pulling the crying act (I have used this technique and it works, I don’t advice you to try this). No matter what is happening it is NONE of YOUR BUSINESS and really is it that interesting? I think not, so People MOVE ALONG! You make me late and I missed my train. THANK YOU!
4) Please do not cut me off and then slow down, you are only encouraging my road rage. If there is a tiny spot, do NOT try to squeeze into it, and when you don’t put your blinker on, well it’s not my fault if I hit you! It is not that hard to put on your blinker and wait for someone to let you in, I have done this many times and YES people it works!!! Now if you are one of those who wait till the last minute to get over before your exit, well tough! Chances are I won’t let you in, please DO NOT give ME the finger, it is your fault for being a procrastinator, and I don’t feel sorry for you. Plan ahead. You know where your exit is. Hey I have to sit in traffic too, but like most people I try to be patient and again it’s annoying when someone butts in after you have been sitting there for 15 minutes.
5) Next and last, people it rains 9 MONTHS out of THE YEAR here! Why oh why can you not drive in it? I lived in Colorado all my life and it rains there too, not as much, but you would expect that us Coloradoans would be a little more cautious while driving in the rain, No not the case. We drive just fine in the rain, I was expecting the same here if not better, and I mean you guys are used to it! I have never in my life seen such dumb ass drivers when it rains, even when it sprinkles. I mean WTF???? I understand the ice, that is scary, but the rain, come on; it is no cause to go 20mph on the highway! RIDICULOUS, plain and simple. I hear people talk a lot about all the people moving here that don’t know how to drive HA! I have been to a few different places, and nobody drives like they do here! SLOW!
If I offend you I am sorry, but come on you know it’s true. Let’s pick up the pace, do not get distracted on things that really are not that interesting. Learn to drive in the rain, move over, go the speed limit for heaven’s sake. There are a few other things that bother me, but I will not go into it because then I may REALLY offend some, so we will leave it at that. If you have anything to add, by all means add away!
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