Monday, June 25, 2007


Emotions run high, and answers remain unanswered. Why?
Thoughts, Comments please.

There was a time when life was full of smiles,
Or was there?
There was a time when I knew not to hate,
Or at least I thought.
There was a time when everyone was one, equal,
At least I was told.

The innocence that I have lost, is a story I have been told.
A story of hatred, of anger of legends yet to unfold.
The innocence of pure, of love, of laughter,
Of time so long ago.
A time in my childhood when everything was gold.

A picture of the world in which we have become, or what we have created.
I am still not sure.
A world in which there is no equality, no tolerance, and a mind which remains closed.
My mind has become numb to the picture I see.

Is there an end? A peaceful mortality?

Each day I see the beauty that lies within the world,
That lies within each and everyone of us
So beautiful are we.

Why do we tolerate the hatred between diversity?
The racism, the murder, and the pain we so deliberately inflict upon those who are different, not like you or I?

Can’t you see we are all one, united, together for all eternity?

I see the good everyday,
I see the bad everyday.

I know that we can overcome,
Just maybe if we try.

For we are all different, yet all the same.


1 comment:

  1. Great words of wisdom:
    ..'For we are all different, yet all the same...'
    A good post.
    My best wishes.
