OK so I have to ask, why is it that so many men have to be such ASSESS??? Being almost 26 I have been in a few relationships and I am starting to come to the conclusion that being an ass is in their genes. And I say this with laughter... not anger....
Yes, now don't get me wrong I know that we as girls can throw up some pretty confusing signs, and guys have no idea what we are thinking one minute to the next. And by no means am I saying that guys are the only ones to blame.... But come on at least we don't play stupid games, (OK let me rephrase I don't play stupid games) and it seems like the minute we expose our emotions.... BAM... Fuck off...
Its like men have these feelings that they can turn on and off like a faucet. One minute they care, "I miss you, your so beautiful"... Blah, Blah, Blah...then its like... "I just want to be friends", "where the fuck you at girl" or even "I'm just not ready to be with you, but i still want to sleep with you" What the fuck is that?
OK I get every man has to show their testosterone, and you gotta be cool in front of your friends....but get a grip.... We are not your slaves to treat like shit, and really does it make you feel that big to act like that?
Now as a women I have to admit that falling to these games is fairly easy, especially because WE think that we have this magical power to be able to change our men.... YEAH RIGHT! Men who are immature, will ALWAYS be immature, and no matter how your feelings stand for them, YOU WILL NOT CHANGE THEM! Unfortunate for me I have found myself in this situation to many times and someone said to me today that its the girls fault for putting up with that crap. Which is sooooo true!!!!
Now you have to ask yourself, do you really want to be with someone who openly admits to sleeping with other people or treats you like crap? Most women (or men) will openly say NO! But in all actuality put yourself there and think about it. Here we go with the "i can change them", "if i stick around he will feel differently" crap. Again I have to say Blah, Blah, Blah....... You are not going to change them and guess what? they will never feel differently! By staying in that relationship, you are saying its OK! you are giving them (the assholes) the right to walk all over you. And really.... do you really think your man respects you if he out sleeping with other people? MMMMMM NO! and really girls, do you feel that great when you let them do that to you? I am guessing... no... Now I am not talking about dating... because here dating is fair game.... no attachments...... and people we all have to admit that is what dating is all about... but if you are dating someone for 6 months or more and you feel you are investing your feelings more than him/her than MOVE ON!!!!
So i have to ask a more important question. Why the hell do we put up with it? I know, there are many out there that don't and more power to them. GIRL POWER!!! But for those of us that have not accomplished that power, isn't it about time we say fuck off? HELLO..... Where is all this feminism that we are supposed to have in this day in age? Why can't we just say how we feel? The only answer I have to this is, getting hurt.... But fuck that...... Do something about it!
OK now that I have gotten that off my chest..... I have to say this applies to no one in particular..... Just some conversations I have had over the last few weeks (one being with someone i am currently dating, who i might add has some pretty interesting thoughts on the whole matter), not to mention the bible COSMO...and my own personal experiences have gotten me fired up, but not angry... just thoughtful...But it is definitely something to think about........
And one last thought..... Take each day as it comes....... you can't change what isn't meant to be. So in the mean time HAVE FUN! :)
I am so glad u posted this! I totally agree. i know so many friends that are with people, because there the best they can get at the time. and how cruel is that? at some point they will have a change of heart and meanwhile their partner will spend their life feeling inadequate and confused.. and not knowing why! Yes i have had guys ask me if i mind them seeing other women, and i did stand my ground and say it would have to be without me. But at the same time... i have to confess i have done the same, not wanted commitment, in the past, and dated three guys at once. i wasn't happy. but i had to do it to realise that, and i think that is the problem. people meet partners at different emotional ages, and try and make it work. You've both got to want the same things... and because half the time the men just want to get into your pants, and the women desperately want to impress because they've confused the mans real motivation. everyones at a loss. i think you have to respect a man who is honest enough to tell you how they feel, and take their response maturely, then at least if your feelings differ you can sort it out. i would personally much prefer that than somebody having these deep desires and feeling unhappy with out relationship because of it.