Tuesday, February 5, 2013

~ The English Haiku's ~

~ Cold raindrops fall
Dark clouds loom the sky
Alone crying mournfully ~

~ In the darkest night
With the winds sorrow cry
Tears of black ice f

Some interesting information on the Haiku ~ 
A Haiku in English is a short poem which uses imagistic language to express the essence of an experience of nature or the season intuitively linked to the human condition. It is a development of the Japanese haiku poetic form in the English language. English haiku do not observe to the strict syllable count found in Japanese haiku, and the typical length of haiku appearing in the main English-language journals is 10–14 syllables. It is best to avoid titles and rhymes  Haiku's virtually have neither Some haiku poets are concerned with their haiku being expressed in one breath and the extent to which their haiku focuses on “showing” as opposed to “telling”. Haiku uses an economy of words to paint a multi-tiered painting  without “telling all”. As Matsuo Bashō put it, “The haiku that reveals seventy to eighty percent of its subject is good. Those that reveal fifty to sixty percent, we never tire of.”

Much Love  xoxo

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